Green Team at the UN

2017 Green Teams & Deliverables

May 31 – August 9

Click the company to learn more about them and what their Green Team did this summer!


About the Company

ADP is global provider of cloud-based Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions. The company also provides clients with business outsourcing services, analytics and compliance expertise.

ADP Green Team 2017

Project Summary

ADP asked its Green Team to identify, analyze and implement solutions to sustainability challenges at ADP. To assist ADP, it’s Green Team Produced the following deliverables:

  • Developed a series of infographics to increase employees understanding of recycling and proper disposal of electronic waste.
  • Created new template for the company’s monthly Green Newsletter, and wrote the company’s newsletters for the months of June and July.
  • Developed guidelines and template for a new ADP website that communicates the company’s new and existing sustainability initiatives in a more engaging manner.
  • Created a survey and reporting template for ADP sites to determine what Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards they currently meet, and what criteria they need to fulfill in order to achieve full LEED certification.
  • Created a database of grants and other external funding sources for ADP utilize when pursuing new sustainability initiatives.
The City of Newark

About Newark

Newark is the largest city in New Jersey, with over 270,000 residents. Newark’s Sustainability Office “supports policies and programs that improve public health and quality of life, drive down costs through better stewardship of resources, and expand green job and business opportunities for Newarkers.”

City of Newark Green Team 2017

Project Summary

The City of Newark asked its Green Team to assist the city in the development of its 2018 Sustainability Action Plan. To assist the city, Newark’s Green Team produced the following deliverables:

  • Administered a stakeholder engagement initiative to provide insight on sustainability initiatives the city should address in its 2018 sustainability report. Specifically, Newark’s Green Team:
    • Created 93 focus prompts for stakeholders based on initiatives from the city’s 2013 Sustainability Action Plan, and evaluated these prompts based on their importance and feasibility to stakeholders.
    • Clustered data into 12 sections based on stakeholder responses to focus prompts.
    • Identified “low hanging fruit” (issues of high importance and high feasibility) issues for the City of Newark to immediately address.
  • Volunteered at four Newark Sustainability Summer Series Events and provided recommendations for the city to increase further engagement with the city’s residents.
  • Created a series of infographics on greenhouse gas, water usage, energy usage and waste disposal to display and additional city events throughout the year.
Earth Friendly Products (ECOS)

About the Company

ECOS was established in 1967, and is a global manufacturer of environmentally friendly cleaning products.

Earth Friendly Products Green Team 2017

Project Summary

ECOS asked its Green Team to research ways to utilize its wastewater runoff and increase employee engagement in sustainability. To that end, the ECOS team produced the following deliverables:

  • Researched three major wastewater treatments–activated carbon filtration, coagulation flocculation and air stripping of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) – that ECOS could implement to treat its wastewater on site.
    • By treating wastewater onsite, the team found that they could reduce disposal costs by 50%.
  • Researched testing companies for ECOS, and provided information on pricing, sampling,and testing methodologies.
  • Developed a number of initiatives for the company to increase employee engagement including:
    • Writing and administering a survey to gauge employee understanding of sustainability.
    • Implementing a sustainability kickoff week to increase employee participation in ECOS’ sustainability initiatives.
    • Updating the company’s bulletin board to facilitate easier communication of sustainability related issues.
Hackensack Meridian Health

About the Company

Meridian Health provides patient-centered health care services delivered in hospital, community and in-home settings. The company also advances medicine through clinical education and research.

Hackensack Green Team 2017

Project Summary

Hackensack Meridian Health asked its Green Team to improve its internal and external communication of its sustainability initiatives. Specifically, the team worked on the following:

  • Wrote a sustainability report highlighting Hackensack Meridian’s current sustainability initiatives.
  • Developed a sustainability e-learning module for employees covering topics such as waste, energy, hazardous chemicals and food.
  • Administered an employee survey and conducted a focus group to determine what sustainability issues Hackensack Meridian employees value, and what can be done to increase awareness of the hospital’s sustainability programs.
  • Created infographics to be displayed around the hospital that highlight Hackensack’s sustainability programs, and provide information on recycling, water disposal and reducing energy use.
  • Started an Instagram account and sample posts to illustrate how to communicate sustainability issues to patients and other stakeholders.

About the Company

Honeywell is a global manufacturer of a variety of commercial and consumer products, and provides engineering services and aerospace systems solutions to customers worldwide.

Honeywell Green Team 2017

Project Summary

Honeywell asked its Green Team to assess its internal sustainability performance, develop new strategies to reduce energy, water and waste; organize its sustainability data; and improve external communications of sustainability issues. To achieve these goals, the team produced the following deliverables

  • Analyzed Honeywell waste data and calculated the monthly/annual waste diversion rate (WDR) for each of the company’s sites worldwide.
    • Created a dashboard using excel that allows Honeywell to view WDR by site, region and business group. This dashboard also provided information on the company’s overall non-hazardous waste, hazardous waste, landfill waste, and recycled waste.
    • Mapped each Honeywell site using Arc GIS for better visualization of WDR data by site.
    • Identified high-performing sites and low-performing sites that Honeywell can engage with to improve future performance.
  • Wrote a “Best Practice Guidelines” outlining opportunities to improve sustainability performance at Honeywell.
    • These guidelines addressed topics such as installing water filling stations and no flush urinals and eliminating Styrofoam cups.
    • Provided an excel tool for the company to conduct a return on investment (ROI) and Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) on specific topics.
  • Completed a competitor analysis to provide Honeywell with an analysis on how it is performing relative to its peers, and what steps that can take to improve its overall sustainability reporting.
  • Developed guidelines for Honeywell to improve its sustainability communications on its website.

About the Company

Humanscale is a global manufacturer of ergonomic products such as self-adjusting seating, sit/stand desks, monitor arms and task lighting.

Humanscale Green Team 2017

Project Summary

Humanscale asked its team to help them research sustainability initiatives that would help the company achieve the International Living Future Institute’s Living Product Challenge certification. To that end, the Humanscale team produced the following deliverables:

  • Researched “carbon handprinting” initiatives for the company to implement, such as donating extra wooden pallets to Habitat for Humanity and other organizations.
  • Created guidelines for Humanscale to implement an energy audit at its Piscataway facility.
  • Developing infographics on recycling and waste disposal to better educate its office employees on proper waste management techniques.
  • Provided options for Humanscale to implement submeters at their facilities to better track and reduce overall energy use.
  • Researched native landscaping options for Humanscale to reduce its overall water usage.
Princeton University

About Princeton

Located in Mercer County NJ, Princeton Township has a population of over 28,000. Sustainable Princeton is a partnership between the Princeton Environmental Commission and the New Jersey Sustainability State Institute, with consultation with the residents of Princeton.

Princeton Green Team 2017

Project Summary

Princeton University asked its team to work with the Township of Princeton on its waste management program. To that end the team produced the following deliverables:

  • Developed solutions to reduce bulk waste and increase composting. Specific solutions include:
    • Shifting to a pay-as-you throw trash disposal program.
    • Implementing a three bin system to better categorize and organize waste for haulers.
    • Creating a sticker system for bulk waste to identify what can be reused and what can be disposed.
  • Presented solutions to the Township of Princeton and compiled a report of recommendations and case studies to the Township.
Prudential Global Investment Management (PGIM)

About the Company

Prudential, PGIM’s parent Fortune 500 company, has subsidiaries that provide insurance, investment management and other financial products and services in over 30 other countries. Prudential Financial’s Global Investment Management (PGIM) has become the 9th largest institutional asset manager in the world with $1 trillion in assets under management as of March 31, 2016. We will be assisting PGIM Real Estate which manages $65 billion in assets.

PGIM Green Team 2017

Project Summary

PGIM asked their Green Team to assess the company’s overall corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance and provide solutions to improve the company’s reporting on CSR issues. With these objectives in mind, PGIM’s Green Team accomplished the following:

  • Completed a 16 company competitor analysis, providing PGIM with a detailed SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis of its overall CSR performance.
  • Provided a business case analysis on the benefits of reporting to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and completed a gap analysis of PGIM’s current CSR reporting relative to GRI standards.
  • Developed a stakeholder survey to assist PGIM in identifying ESG issues that are material to its stakeholders.

About the Company

Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated (PSEG) is New Jersey’s oldest and largest investor owned utility. They are a regulated gas and electric utility company serving 2.2 million electric customers and 1.8 million gas customers, approximately 70 percent of the state’s population. Headquartered in Newark, NJ, they have approximately $35 billion in assets and $11 billion in revenues.

PSEG Green Team 2017

Project Summary

PSEG asked their Green Team to develop solutions to improve the collection of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data internally, and to research new ways to improve external communication of the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. To achieve these goals, the company’s Green Team developed the following deliverables:

  • Created a database using Oracle that allows PSEG to collect and store ESG data in one centralized location.
    • The team completed an industry materiality assessment, third-party reporting assessment and consulted with PSEG representatives to determine the indicators used to populate this database.
  • Developed a stakeholder survey to assist PSEG in identifying new ESG issues that are material to both internal and external stakeholders.
  • Conducted an analysis of PSEG’s CSR performance within the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG), and provided PSEG with options to leverage the UNSDG to improve overall communication of CSR issues.