Sprague Library
A list of the major microfilm and microfiche collections in Sprague Library.
Contact Access Services at 973-655-4288 or circreserves@365dafa6.com, regarding use.
American Colonial Reports (Microfilm no. 98)
These reports include the Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New Jersey, from the Surrender of the Government to Queen Anne, on the 17th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1702, to the 14th day of January 1776.
Annals of Congress, v. 1-10 (Microfilm no.53)
A compilation of House and Senate debates and proceedings in Congress, 1789-1824 that is continued by the Register of Debates in Congress (microfilm no. 53).
The Carter Family Papers, 1659-1797 (Microfilm no. 78)
This is a collection of land documents and correspondence of the Carter family; and diaries of Landon Carter and Wormely Carter that are in the Sabine Hall Collection at the University of Virginia Library.
Checklist of U.S. Public Documents, 1789-1970: Indexes (Microfilm no.76)
A multi-volume set of the Superintendent of Documents public documents shelflists and accompanying indexes.
Cobbett’s Parliamentary History of England: 1066-1803, volumes 1-36 (Microfilm no. 75)
Proceedings in the Parliament of Scotland, from the meeting of the new parliament on the 6th of May, 1706, to the union with England, in the year 1707.
Congressional Globe (Microfilm no. 53)
Congressional reports from the period 1833 to 1873. Preceded by the Register of Debates in Congress (microfilm no. 53) and continued by the Congressional Record (filed with periodicals on microfilm).
Dissertation Abstracts (Microfilm no. 112, 266/6, 270/4, 270/21)
A collection of abstracts of doctoral dissertations and monographs for volumes 1-32B, 1938-June 1972.
Dunbar Collection (Microfilm no. 278)
A collection of the Paul Laurence Dunbar and Alice Dunbar Nelson papers, 1873 to 1942, comprising approximately 10,000 items.
Editorial Research Reports (Microfilm no.136)
Each Editorial Research Report treats a subject that is in the news or likely to be in the news in the near future. The importance of the subject and major issues, an examination of background and possible future developments are discussed. The microfilm covers the period from January 1955 to December 1972.
(Newer reports available online — now known as CQ Researcher)
Fact-finding Commission on Columbia Disturbances/ Proceedings (Microfilm no. 55)
22 volumes proceedings of the Cox Commission testimony for the Columbia University disturbances in 1968.
FBI Files (Microfilm 279-281, 309)
Documents declassified from the FBI’s surveillance of the following people and groups.
Malcolm X (Microfilm no. 309)
Paul Robeson (Microfilm no. 279)
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (Microfilm no. 280)
Reverend Jesse Jackson (Microfilm no. 281)
Great Britain Colonial Office Reports
Iraq, 1920-1932 (Microfilm no. 94)
Cameroons, 1920-38 (Microfilm no. 67)
Palestine and Trans-Jordan, 1920-1938 (Microfilm no. 62)Tanganyka, (Microfilm no. 95)
Tongoland, 1920-1938 (Microfilm no.68)
Union of South Africa Report on Southwest Africa, 1918-1938 (Microfilm no. 63)
Herstory (Microfilm no. 74)
More than 400 titles assembled from the holdings of the International Women’s History (Periodical) Archive at the Women’s History Research Center, the collection comprises 821 newsletters, journals and newspapers published by and about women’s liberation, civic, professional, religious and peace groups. Most of the material included was published between 1968 and 1974; some titles, however, date back as far as 1956.
Immigrant in America (Microfilm no. 314)
The collection of 264 microfilm reels is a gift of the Coccia Institute at Montclair State University. “Under the guidance of A. William Hoglund…the collection has been assembled from several major archives including the New York Public Library, the…Balch Institute in Philadelphia, and the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota.”
Italian Books Before 1601 (Microfilm no. 100)
This collection is based on, but not restricted to, titles in the British Museum’s Short-Title Catalogues, and includes important fifteenth and sixteenth century printed books in all fields that were printed or written in Italian before 1601. (reels 1-201)
Italian Books, 1601-1700 (Microfilm no. 101)
This collection includes material in all fields but focuses on significant source books, basic editions for textual studies and other cornerstone titles.
Journals of the Continental Congress 1774-1789, volumes 1-14 (Microfilm no. 69)
The Journals and Records of the Continental Congress supplemented by information gathered from the endorsements made upon papers and reports put before Congress.
Kinesiology Publications
Allows keyword and author access to the health, physical education and recreation, dance, exercise and sport sciences microfilm publications collection, a microfiche collection of dissertations and theses in these areas.
New York Philharmonic Program Notes (Microfilm no.108)
This multi-volume set covers Season 1-132, 1842-1974 and includes a composer, conductor and artist index.
Newark Academy (Microfilm no. 274)
Minutes of the Board of Trustees for the Newark Academy dating back to 1792.
Papers of Albert Gallatin (Microfilm no. 57)
The papers of Albert Gallatin (1761-1849), Secretary of the Treasury for Presidents Jefferson and Madison.
Papers of the American Association for Labor Legislation, 1905-1943 (Microfilm no.97)
This collection of 71 microfilm reels is part of the manuscript collection of the Labor Management Documentation Center, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University.
The Parliamentary History of England from the Earliest Period to the Year 1803 by William Cobbett, volumes 1-36 (Microfilm no.75)
This is a retrospective compilation of debates in the House of Commons and Lords. This collection is continued by Parliamentary Debates (Microfiche no. 21).
Paul Laurence Dunbar Collection SEE Dunbar Collection (Microfilm no. 278)
Proceedings / Democratic Party National Convention (Microfilm no. 70)
Proceedings for 1832-1956 of the Democratic National Conventions, providing gavel to gavel coverage, including speeches, debates, votes and party platforms. Also included are lists of names and addresses of convention delegates and alternates. The records of earliest proceedings are based in part on contemporary newspaper accounts.
Proceedings of the Fact Finding Commission (Microfilm no.55)
Transcript of the testimony set before the commission (May 7, 1968) charged with investigating the events leading up and the underlying causes of the disturbances on the campus of Columbia University, New York that occurred in the 1960s.
Proceedings of the Republican National Convention (Microfilm no.71)
Proceedings for 1856-1960 of the Republican National Conventions, providing gavel to gavel coverage of the conventions, including speeches, debates, votes and party platforms. Also included are lists of names and addresses of convention delegates and alternates. The records of the earliest proceedings are based in part on contemporary newspaper accounts.
Register of Debates in Congress, volumes 1-14 (Microfilm no. 53)
A compilation of summaries of congressional debates from 1825-1837. Preceded by the Annals of Congress (microfilm no. 53) and continued by the Congressional Globe (microfilm no. 53).
Reports of the League of Nations
Pacific Basin and New Guinea, 1914/21-1938 (Microfilm no. 103)New Zealand: Mandated Territory of Western Samoa, 1920/21-1925 (Microfilm no. 104)
Second Annual Report on Japan’s Mandated Territory, 1921 (Microfilm no. 105)
Report on the Administration of Nauru 1920/21 (Microfilm no. 106)
Syria and Libya, 1922/3-1938 (Microfilm no. 96)
Tanganyika Territory (Microfilm no. 95)
Schomburg Collection of Negro Literature and History: A Selection of Titles (Microfilm no.80-83, 109, 281-308)
New York Public Library’s library and archive of materials on all aspects of Black history, arts and civilization. International in scope, it includes books by authors of African descent, regardless of subject matter or language and all significant materials about people of African descent. Approximately 60 periodicals and 125 works and collections of works relating to Black culture are included in the first series. Some of the titles include:
Calendar of the Manuscripts in the Schomburg Collection of Negro Literature (Microfilm no. 83)
Liberator (Microfilm no. 283 and 299)
Messenger (Microfilm no. 286)
Muhammed Speaks (Microfilm no. 295)
New Nigerian (Microfilm no. 294)
Rebellion Record (Microfilm no. 80)
A Selection of Titles, Series II (Microfilm no. 109)
Workers Voice (Microfilm no. 285)
Works by Charles Waddell Chesnutt, 1899-1905, volumes 1-7 (Microfilm no. 81)
The Writings of William Wells Brown, 1815-1884 (Microfilm no. 82)
The Soviet Union, 1946-1976 (Microfilm no. 275)
CIA Research Reports on the military activity of the Soviet Union published in 1982.
Third Party Presidential Nominating Conventions, Proceedings, Records, Etc. (Microfilm no. 73)
Includes proceedings from the American Party, 1856, 1888; the Anti-Masonic Party, 1830-1836; the Constitutional Union Party, 1860, 1869; Free Soil Party, 1848-1852; Greenback Party, 1876-1884, Liberty Party, 1840-1852.
United States Decennial Census Publications, 1790-1970 (Microfilm no.77)
U.S. Census reports conducted every ten years by the Federal Government.
US Military Intelligence Reports: Surveillance of Radicals in the United States, 1917-1941 (Microfilm no. 272)
The selections for this publication are drawn from two series of National Archives and Records Service Record Group 165: primarily from file series 10110 and, to a lesser extent, from file series 10058. Taken together, these two file series contain the most significant reports on American radicals between 1917 and 1941 in the records of the Military Intelligence Division.
Wright American Fiction Collection, 1774 – 1900 (Microfilm no. 112)
The Wright Collection, based on Lyle Wright’s bibliography of American fiction, is a microfilm collection of American editions of prose fiction written by Americans (or who claim the United States as their home) and published between 1774 and 1900. The collection contains over 10,827 titles and the volumes in the collection have been filmed in their entirety. The type of prose included are novels, romances, tales, short stories, fictitious biographies, travels, sketches, allegories and tract-like tales. The indexes provide author, title and chronological access to the collection.
1980 U.S. Decennial Census Publications Microform (Microfiche no. 344)
This set contains the 1980 Census of Population and Housing, by block, on general characteristics of housing units and population.
Alexander’s Magazine (Microfiche no. 347)
This set contains Alexander’s Magazine, part of the African American Periodicals in the United States, 1840-1960 collection.
American Theological Library Association (Microfiche no. 165-311)
A multi-volume set of lectures (also known as ATLA) on the topics of women and the Church in America. The original manuscripts are in the Princeton Theological Seminary Library.
Archives Parliementaires de 1787 a 1860 (Microfiche no. 22)
A record of legislative debates for the French parliament from 1787 to 1860.
British Parliamentary Debates, Series 3, 1830-1891 (Microfiche no. 21)
A continuation of The Parliamentary History of England: 1066-1803 (microfilm no. 75).
CIS Microfiche Library (Microfiche no. 335-336)
Texts of Congressional hearings; Committee prints; House and Senate reports; House and Senate documents; executive agencies’ annual reports and background information; executive reports and treaty documents; and special publications. The material in this collection is indexed by CIS Indexes and Abstracts, which is located in the Reference Department. The period covered is 1970 to 1998.
CIS U.S. Serial Set (Microfiche Cabinet no. 3a to 3e)
This collection covers the period 1789-1969 and includes the following congressional publications: House and Senate reports and documents, and Senate executive reports and treaty documents.
Columbia University Oral History Collection (Microfiche no. 66)
The 404 memoirs in the collection have been selected from 2,600 interviews. The Columbia University collection is divided into two broad categories–autobiographical memoirs and special projects–and the majority of the memoirs filmed falls into the former category. Subjects covered include the Arts, Education, Politics, Religion, Social Activists, Women Pioneers and Professionals, etc.
Complete Published Works Including Selected Secondary Materials Microfiche Collection / Charles Sanders Peirce (Microfiche no. 337-338)
This set contains Charles Sanders Peirce’s complete published works.
Educational Resources Information Center or ERIC (Microfiche Cabinets No. 5-23)
Documents, with abstracts, published by the Educational Research Information Center (ERIC). ERIC includes report literature in the field of education and related fields, including early childhood education and development, interpersonal and social skills, perception and cognition, and tests and measurements. The ERIC collection is indexed in the ERIC database. Many ERIC (ED) documents published in the 1990s are available online in the ERIC database.
Enforcement of the Prohibition Laws (Microfiche no.5)
The official records, published by the Wickersham Commission in 1931, of the National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement pertaining to its investigation of the facts as to the enforcement, the benefits and the abuses under the prohibition laws, both before and since the adoption of the eighteenth amendment to the Constitution.
Great Britain. Colonial Office, Annual Reports on the Colonies (Microfiche no. 8)
Index to the 1,936 reports contained in Annual Reports on the Colonies. Sprague Library has several reports on microfilm.
Gregg Music Sources (Microfiche no. 99)
This is a multi-volume set of music catalogues with indexes. It was published by Newton K. Gregg in 1976.
Human Relations Area File or HRAF (Microfiche Cabinet)
HRAF is a collection of ethnographic and other texts that are indexed by culture and subject. Microfiche reproduction ended in 1991. The classification of these units (including extinct and historical peoples) follows the “Outline of World Culture,” in which they are arranged by eight major geographical areas. The primary objective in the selection of these societies has been to build an adequate sample of the world’s cultures for comparative research. Materials distributed after 1991 are available online in the eHRAF databases.
If Elected (Microfiche no. 60)
Portraits and biographical information on unsuccessful candidates for the Presidency, 1796-1968, published by the National Portrait Gallery.
Journal Officiel de la Republique Francais (Microfiche no. 25)
The text of France’s national laws and decrees, important administrative orders and proclamations, and parliamentary debates and committee reports for the period from 1869 to 1940.
Library of American Civilization or LAC (Microfiche Cabinet no. 26)
A collection of materials (approximately 20,000 volumes) relating to all aspects of American life and literature from the 15th-century exploration to the outbreak of WWI. Included are pamphlets, periodicals, documents (both public and private), biographies and autobiographies, fictional works, poetry, collections of various kinds, material of foreign origin relating to America, and many rare books. Includes author, title and subject indexes. The titles in the LAC collection are indexed in the Library’s online catalog.
Library of English Literature or LEL (Microfiche Cabinet no. 27)
A collection of literary works (over 2,500 volumes) of Anglo-Saxon, Middle English, Tudor, Elizabethan, Jacobean, etc. and materials of all genres: poetry, drama, essays, prose fiction, and religious, philosophical and critical works. Included are first editions and early imprints, together with significant supplementary materials, bibliographies, letters, critical studies, biographies and historical accounts. Includes author and title indexes.
Monographs of the United States Geological Survey (Microfiche no. 3 and no. 57)
A forty-volume set published by the U.S. Geological Survey from the period 1885 to 1900.
The Origins of the Cold War (Microfiche no. 329)
The nearly 1,500 documents in this substantial collection of primary source material are drawn from major archival holdings and provide a sample of a half-century of Russian-American relations.
Public Statutes at Large (Microfiche no. 24)
This set contains the public statutes at large of the United States of America, from the organization of the Government in 1789 to March 3, 1845.
Publications of the Prince Society of Boston, Massachusetts (Microfiche no. 13)
This is a multi-volume set of colonial period history, ca. 1600-1775, published by the Prince Society of Boston.
Radical Periodicals in the United States 1800-1960: Series I, 1880-1950; Series 2, 1890-1960 (Microfiche no. 347-406)
The first series chronicles the socialist, anarchist, communist, syndicalist, nationalist, pacifist and feminist movements. It provides source material for understanding the day-to-day thought and action of radicals and protesters from the end of the last century to the middle of the present one.
The second series includes journals of the socialist, anarchist, communist, syndicalist movements as well as splinter groups of the I.W.W. and the Communist Party as well as the voice of the rank-and-file of the American Federation of Labor. Covering several decades, it presents a picture of American radicalism in the 1880s and the 1890s, the pre-World War I decade, the 1920s and the era of the Great Depression leading up to the formation of the C.I.O.
Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States (Microfiche no. 12)
This set was published as a supplement to Wharton’s Digest of the international law of the United States, taken from documents issued by presidents and secretaries of state [etc.] Washington, 1886. It was designed to correct, complete and enlarge the Diplomatic correspondence of the American Revolution, Boston, 1829-1830, published by Jared Sparks under the direction of Congress, on August 13, 1888.
Slave Narratives (Microfiche no. 2)
This gives a folk history of slavery in the United States from interviews with former slaves and includes typewritten records prepared by the Federal Writers’ Project, 1936-1938.
Slavery Source Materials (Microfiche no. 4)
Books and pamphlets (438 titles), written before the Civil War by and about African-Americans and about slavery and anti-slavery. It included sermons, poetry, fiction, government documents and narratives by former slaves.
Tests in Microfiche (Microfiche Cabinet no. 29)
This is a collection of unpublished, non-commercial research instruments published by Educational Testing Service. Indexes provide author, title and subject access.
Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946 (Microfiche no. 15)
This forty-two volume set contains the trials of the major German war criminals (i.e. Hermann Goring and 23 others) before the international military tribunal, Nuremberg 14 November 1945–1 October 1946.
University Music Editions
- Collected Works (Andre Ernest M. Gretry ) (Microfiche no. 50)
- Collected Works (Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck) (Microfiche no. 37)
- Collected Works (Johann Hermann Schein) (Microfiche no. 48)
- Complete Works (Franz Peter Schubert) (Microfiche no. 44)
- Complete Works (Jean-Phillipe Rameau) (Microfiche no. 52)
- Complete Works (Mikhail I. Glinka) (Microfiche no. 43)
- Complete Works (Robert Schumann) (Microfiche no. 38)
- Denkmaeler Deutscher Tonkunst (Microfiche no. 323)
German vocal and instrumental music scores - Denkmaeler Deutscher Tonkunst In Oesterreich. Hrsg. von der Musikgeschichtlichen Kommission (Microfiche no. 324)
Austrian vocal and instrumental musical scores - Eight Works, 1750-1790 (Microfiche no.157)
Eight works dealing with topics such as music composition and piano instruction written by Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg, 1718 – 1795 - Die Historische Volkslieder der Deutschen vom 13. bis 16. Jahrhundert (Microfiche no. 158)
Set, compiled between 1865 – 1869, that contains German folk songs and ballads - The Johannes Herbst Collection (Microfiche no. 100)
This set contains over a thousand anthems –scores and parts; forty-five oratorios, cantatas and other extended choral works – scores and parts; several volumes of songs and keyboard pieces. It includes music by all of the important Moravian composers to 1812: the Germans – Geisler, Gregor, Freydt; the Englishmen – Latrobe, Gambold, Mortimer; the Americans – Peter, Antes, Bechler, Michael. Also found are non-Moravian composers whose music was much-beloved by Moravian musicians and often served them as models: Hasse, Graun, Homelius, Rolle, and Schulz. - Die Melodien der Deutschen Evangelischen Kirchenlieder (Microfiche no. 164)
Scores of selected Lutheran German Church hymns and chorales by Johannes Zahn - Musikalische Werke / Franz Liszt; Herausgegeben von der Franz Liszt-Stiftung (Microfiche no.36)
Instrumental music scores of Franz Liszt from 1907-1936 - Opera Omnia (Microfiche no.34)
Scores of Italian madrigals by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestina - Opera Omnia (Microfiche no.39)
A collection of the sacred vocal music of Thomae Ludovici Victoria Abulensis - Samtliche Werke (Microfiche no.33)
A collection of the instrumental and vocal music of Johannes Brahms - Samtliche Werke. Johann Hermann Schein (Microfiche no.48)
A collection of the instrumental and vocal music of Johann Hermann Schein - Samtliche Werke. [Von] Orlando di Lasso (Microfiche no.51)
A collection of the instrumental and vocal music of Orlando di Lasso - Werke (Hector Berlioz) (Microfiche no. 42)
- Werke / Hrsg. von Woldemar Bargiel, Johannes Brahms, August Franchomme, Franz Liszt, Carl Reinecke [und] Ernst Rudorff. (Microfiche no.32)
A collection by Frederic Chopin of the instrumental and vocal music of von Woldemar Bargiel, Johannes Brahms, August Franchomme, Franz Liszt, Carl Reinecke and Ernst Rudorff - Werke. (Johann Sebastian Bach) (Microfiche no. 46)
- Werke. (Ludwig Van Beethoven) (Microfiche no. 41)
- Werke. Gesamtausgabe der Balladen, Legenden, Lieder und Gesange fur eine Singstimme, im Aufstrage der Loeweschen Familie Carl Loewe (Microfiche no. 49)
This set is the complete edition of Carl Loewe and contains ballads, legends, songs, etc. - Werke. Kritische Durchgesehene Gesammtausg. (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) (Microfiche no.45)
This set contains scores of vocal music and instrumental music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Werke. / Vollstandige Kritisch Durchgeschene Uberall Berechtige Ausg. (Ludwig van Beethoven) (Microfiche no.41)
This set contains the scores of vocal and instrumental music for Ludwig van Beethoven - The works of George Fredreic Handel (Microfiche no. 47)
This set contains the scores of vocal and instrumental music for George Friedrich Handel
University of Chicago’s Oriental Institute Publications (Microfiche no. 16-20, 97, 104-121, 163)
This multi-volume set represents the work of the Oriental Institute’s Iraq expedition in the Diyala region from 1930 to 1937.
- Ancient Oriental Seals (Microfiche no. 118)
- Annals of Sennacherib (Microfiche no. 110)
- Egyptian Book of the Dead (Microfiche no. 121)
- Egyptian Coffin Texts (Microfiche no. 111)
- Hittite Hieroglyphic Monuments (Microfiche no. 117)
- Material Remains of the Megiddo Cult (Microfiche no. 104)
- Megiddo 1 (Microfiche no. 105)
- Megiddo Ivories (Microfiche no. 126)
- Megiddo Tombs (Microfiche no. 116)
- Megiddo Water System (Microfiche no. 106)
- More Sculpture from Diyala Region (Microfiche no. 18)
- Mounds in the Plain of Antioch (Microfiche no. 120)
- Nippur I (Microfiche no. 20)
- Persepolis and Ancient Iran (Microfiche no. 97)
- Persepolis Treasury Tablets (Microfiche no. 112)
- Pottery from the Diyala Region (Microfiche no. 17)
- Pre-Sargonid Temples in the Diyala Region (Microfiche no. 16)
- Prehistoric Study of Egypt and Western Asia (Microfiche no. 163)
- Researches in Anatolia I (Microfiche no. 109)
- Researches in Anatolia II (Microfiche no. 108)
- Sculpture from Tell Asmar and Khafajah (Microfiche no. 107)
- Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri (Microfiche no. 119)
- Sumerian Lexical Texts from the Temple School of Nippur (Microfiche no. 114)
- Sumerian Texts of Varied Contents (Microfiche no. 113)
- Tall-I-Bakun A (Microfiche no. 115)
- Temple Oval at Khafajah (Microfiche no. 19)
The Victoria and Albert Museum Collection (Microfiche no. 160-no. 162)
A collection of catalogues featuring the most important items in the Victoria and Albert Museum, Dept. of Architecture and Sculpture, London. Sprague Library owns three of the departmental collections: Architecture and Sculpture, Furniture and Woodwork, and Metalwork.
Bloomfield College Library
At this time, Bloomfield College Library does not have Microfilm or Microfiche machines.