Mission Statement
Technical Support Services (TSS) mission is to increase the level of technical support for all customer-facing technologies and to maintain our strategic commitment to infuse technology into teaching, learning and administrative processes; to provide exceptional care when it comes to resolving issues via a multitude of technologies; to configure, manage and safeguard all computing devices provided by the University; to allow for industry standard computing devices to be provided to Faculty and Staff to ensure that we continue to provide state of the art technologies in our mediated classrooms, labs and conference rooms; To allow for students to utilize computing labs and laptops in order for them to be prepared for their coursework and future positions. Technical Support Services is made up of several key areas: Application Support for Workday and Student, the IT Service Desk, Endpoint Engineering, Public, Teaching and Specialty Computer Labs and Audio-Visual (AV) Services.

Summer R. Jones
Associate Vice President
Technical Support Services
phone: 973-655-3370
email: jonessu@365dafa6.com

Meredith Cohen
Administrative Financial Assistant
phone: 973-655-5434
email: cohenm@365dafa6.com

Michael Korinko
Director, Audio Visual Engineering
phone: 973-655-7327
email: korinkom@365dafa6.com

Viktor Turchyn
Director, Computing Labs Engineering
phone: 973-655-7322
email: turchynv@365dafa6.com
Director, Endpoint Engineering
phone: Vacant
email: Vacant

John Sandella
Director, IT Support Services
phone: 973-655-3529
email: sandellaj@365dafa6.com
Application Support Specialists – Workday
Caroline Wesoly
Workday Customer Care Specialist
phone: 973-655-5000
email: wesolyc@365dafa6.com
Susan Brunda
Workday Customer Care Specialist
phone: 973-655-5000
email: brundas@365dafa6.com
Nathaniel Aker
Workday Customer Care Specialist
phone: 973-655-5000
email: akern@365dafa6.com
Steve Wallis
Quality Assurance Supervisor
phone: 973-655-3521
email: walliss@365dafa6.com
Audio Visual Engineering

Stanley Henry
Classroom and Media Support
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 4)
email: henrys@365dafa6.com
Len Belli
AV Engineering Specialist
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 4)
email: bellil@365dafa6.com

Thomas Green
Classroom and Media Support
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 4)
email: greent@365dafa6.com

Francisco Salgado
Classroom and Media Support
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 4)
email: salgadof@365dafa6.com

Patrick Glackin
Classroom and Media Support
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 4)
email: glackinp@365dafa6.com

Richard Tae
AV Engineering Specialist
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 4)
email: taer@365dafa6.com
Computer Labs Engineering
Harrison Granados
Clinical IT Support Specialist
Center for Clinical Services (CCS)
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 1)
email: granadosh@365dafa6.com
Nicole Sanchez
Computer Lab Services Technician
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 1)
email: sanchezni@365dafa6.com
Endpoint Engineering

Kehinda “KJ” Hopkins
Endpoint Engineer
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 1)
email: hopkinske@365dafa6.com

John Osmak
Endpoint Engineer
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 1)
email: osmakj@365dafa6.com
Rory Burns
Endpoint Technician – Mac Specialist
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 1)
email: burnsr@365dafa6.com
Chris Chu
Endpoint Technician
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 1)
email: chuch@365dafa6.com

Steve Davage
Endpoint Technician
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 1)
email: davages@365dafa6.com
Franklin Peralta
Endpoint Technician
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 1)
email: peraltaf@365dafa6.com

Michael Hambel
Endpoint Technician
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 1)
email: hambelm@365dafa6.com
Brandy Taylor
Endpoint Technician – Mac Specialist
phone: 973-655-7971 (Option 1)
email: taylorbr@365dafa6.com