Add Funds

Purchase Red Hawk Dollars

  • Visit the University’s eAccounts website or download the app for Apple or Android for 24/7 service to purchase Red Hawk Dollars with your Visa, Mastercard, or Discover card (2.75% service fee associated).
  • Stop by the ID Card Office as well as the cashier’s window at the Bursar’s office during normal business hours to purchase Red Hawk Dollars with cash or a check.
  • Parents and family can purchase Red Hawk Dollars for you by visiting the eAccounts website and make a guest deposit. Make sure they know your CWID!

    How to Transfer Credit to Red Hawk Dollars

    Step 1
    Log into NEST

    Once you reach the NEST home screen, click “log in” and enter your University NetID and password. If you have not yet created your NetID or have forgotten your password you can visit the University NetID webpage.
    Step 2
    Navigate to TouchNet

    Once you’ve logged into NEST click on the View and Pay My Bill under Student Accounts. Select the “Pay My Bill Now”.
    Step 3
    Understand Your Charges & Credits

    On this page, you will be able to determine whether you have funds that can be transferred into Red Hawk Dollars. To transfer funds, you need to have credit available in your account.

    Credit in your account would be reflected in your “Account Balance.” If you have money that is available to be transferred into Red Hawk Dollars, you will see a minus sign next to an amount in that section. For example, if you see “-$300.00” in the last section that says “Account Balance”, then that means you have $300.00 available to be transferred into Red Hawk Dollars.

    If you choose not to transfer those funds, they will be sent to you in the form of a refund from the University through either check via mail or direct deposit.

    Step 4
    Submit Title IV Funds Authorization Statement
    Step 5
    Submit Red Hawk Dollars Account Credit Transfer Form

    Red Hawk Dollars Account Credit Transfer Form

    Please Note: If you receive a “permissions error” when attempting to access the online Account Credit Transfer form – it is because the browser you are currently using is logged into another Google account that is different from your University account. Please sign out of that account and into your account to complete your request.

    $1,500 maximum transfer per form.

    Subsequent Account Credit Transfer forms are only processed when Red Hawk Dollars account balances are below $100.00.