Meeting between two CEHS Redss Lab colleagues

Managers – Evaluation and Reappointment

The Annual Managerial Evaluation and Reappointment process enables managers to self-evaluate their performance and enter into a dialogue with their unit and division leaders regarding the manager’s performance. Managers are evaluated based on their performance during the prior calendar year (January to December, 2024) and are eligible for reappointment for the subsequent fiscal year (July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026).

Managerial Competencies

(2019-2020 Managerial Competency Framework)

Each year, managers are evaluated on the following competencies:

  • Community – Connecting to community through strategic partnerships, collaborations and services.
  • Innovation – Embracing innovation, experimentation and creativity for excellence and efficiency.
  • Social Justice – Understanding and working to dismantle barriers to the opportunities and privileges appropriate to all residence of New Jersey.
  • Success – Continually promoting academic excellence and post-graduate achievement.
  • Sustainability – Building practices and programs for long-term survival and flourishing of the University.
Managerial Rating Scale
  • Outstanding – Performance far exceeded expectations; based on exceptionally high quality of work, completion of a major goal or project, or unique contribution to the unit, department, or University.
  • Exceeds Expectations – Performance exceeded expectations; based on achievement of goals, objectives and targets
  • Meets Expectations – Performance met expectations; based on achievement of goals, objectives and targets.
  • Needs Improvement – Performance met expectations inconsistently; based on achievement of goals, objectives and targets.
  • Unsatisfactory – Performance was unsatisfactory and failed to meet minimum expectations.

Managerial Reappointment Schedule (2025 – 2026)

Managers are evaluated for reappointment annually and approved for reappointment using the following the schedule below are reappointed for the July 01, 2025 – June 30, 2026 period.

Reappointment process launched in Workday
Manager submits self-evaluation to Immediate Supervisor.
Evaluation and reappointment recommendation from Immediate Supervisor to Candidate after consulting with their Unit Head and Division Vice President. Any performance concerns or non-reappointment recommendations must be discussed with VPHR.
Last day for Candidate to provide a written response to Immediate Supervisor’s evaluation and reappointment recommendation, if any. Reappointment routed to Unit Head.
Evaluation and reappointment recommendation from Unit Head to Senior/Vice President.
Senior/Vice President reviews and submits performance evaluations/ reappointment recommendations to VPHR for review of completeness and content.
Performance evaluations/reappointment recommendations submitted to President for approval.
Managers subject to NON-reappointment (ONLY) are notified that their employment at the University will end June 30, 2024.
Managers subject to reappointment will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval.
Board of Trustees meeting
Notification of Board of Trustees’ action for managers subject to reappointment.
Managers accept reappointment