PRISM: Professional Resources in Science and Mathematics

PRISM (Professional Resources in Science and Mathematics) at Montclair State University is a New Jersey STEM Professional Development Provider. PRISM provides a center for continuous learning and skill enhancement to improve teaching practices, curriculum design, and student outcomes in biological and biomedical science, computer and information science, engineering, health science, mathematics and statistics, and physical sciences like astronomy, physics, chemistry, and earth science. Teacher professional development activities at PRISM align with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Science (NJSLS-S).

As scientific and technological advancements emerge, teachers must help their students develop current scientific literacy and critical thinking skills. Through workshops, resources, and mentoring, PRISM helps educators integrate three-dimensional science instruction (science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts) into their teaching. Teachers engage in meaningful, cumulative, and progressive learning experiences to design curriculum units that engage students in inquiry-based learning, problem-solving, and evidence-based reasoning.

For more information contact us at or 973-655-7753


Professional Development Workshops
PRISM offers workshops and training sessions that develop knowledge and teaching skills of STEM educators. Workshop topics include innovative teaching methods, curriculum development, integration of technology in the classroom, and content knowledge advances in particular STEM fields. PRISM workshops and training sessions are a pathway for teachers to meet the required hours for professional development required by the New Jersey Department of Education.
Curriculum Resources
PRISM provides access to a variety of curriculum resources, teaching materials, and lesson plans aligned with NJSLS-S standards in science and mathematics education. These resources support educators in developing engaging and effective instructional materials for their classrooms.
Professional Networking
PRISM workshops facilitate networking opportunities for STEM teachers to connect with colleagues at other schools, share best practices, and exchange ideas and experiences.
Specialized Programs
When possible, PRISM may offer specialized programs tailored to specific needs or interests of STEM educators, such as workshops focused on particular grade levels, subject areas, or instructional approaches.

The Bristol-Myers Squibb Center for Science Teaching and Learning is a place where educators can develop their teaching skills and pedagogy to inspire young minds in science and mathematics. The Center is equipped with programs for experiential learning and video-chat connections for distance learning.

Is your school or district hiring? Share teaching job opportunities with the NJ STEM Pathways Network!


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