Welcome to the College of Science and Mathematics (CSAM) at Montclair State University. For over a century, CSAM has built distinguished academic programs that encompass many STEM fields.
CSAM provides students with academically rigorous programs resulting in disciplinary and interdisciplinary baccalaureate, certificate, master’s and doctoral degrees. Our success is based on a simple educational philosophy: outstanding and dedicated faculty, engaged students and a commitment to academic and research excellence. Under the direction of our world class faculty, students have access to state-of-the-art equipment and facilities and the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research. Discovery-based courses and numerous experiential learning opportunities result in an optimal environment for our students to succeed as our next generation of STEM leaders.
CSAM is committed to the ongoing formation of academic/industry collaborations and partnerships to provide long-term economic benefits of New Jersey and beyond. We are home to several institutes, centers, and laboratories dedicated to advancing STEM research and education. These include the Clean Energy and Sustainability Analytics Center, the Microscopy and Microanalysis Research Laboratory, the New Jersey Center for Water Science and Technology, the PSEG Institute for Sustainability Studies, Professional Resources in Science and Mathematics and the Sokol Institute for Pharmaceutical Life Sciences.
Lora Billings

Dr. Scott Kight is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Instruction, providing leadership, management and oversight of all academic affairs in CSAM, including development, assessment, and innovation of academic programs and curriculum. This includes all activities involving the creation, maintenance, revision, or deletion of curriculum, courses, sequences of courses and programs of study offered by the College. He oversees all managerial activities related to programs, including regular assessments, reporting, and accreditation requirements.
Dr. Kight supports CSAM faculty and students in the delivery of curriculum, providing instructional leadership to the faculty, and managing the processes through which teaching is conducted, administered, and evaluated. Dr. Kight works closely with the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs to support student recruitment and retention efforts, and manages student discipline, conduct, grade appeals, and resolution of other academic concerns. Dr. Kight advises the Dean on all matters related to CSAM academic degree programs, and promotes a culture of academic excellence in the College. As a first-generation/first-in-family college student, and a former transfer student, Dr. Kight is especially interested in removing barriers to student academic success and promoting instructional practices that help all students achieve their academic goals in CSAM courses and programs.

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Celeste Van Nice

Assistant Dean for Special Programs and Professional Education
Nicole Weir