Arial Photo of the Villa of the Antonines

The “Villa of the Antonines”

Archaeological Field School

The Project

This archaeological field project in Genzano di Roma, Italy, now heading into its ninth season, will continue to explore the remains of a Roman imperial villa located close to Rome, at the 18th mile of the ancient Via Appia in the Alban Hills region. Based on literary references and the discovery in the 18th century of marble busts of imperial figures, the villa is believed to have belonged to the second century CE imperial family of the Antonines. Our current work at the site is focused on an amphitheater-like structure near the baths that is filled with mosaic tesserae and fragments of luxurious, imported marbles, and on possible residential quarters that contain mosaics and were once decorated with colored frescoes.

Apply for 2019 Villa of the Antonines Field School

Villa of the Antonines field school 2019 poster

Villa of the Antonines 2018 Brochure

For a more detailed description of the site and its many finds, view An introduction to the “Villa of the Antonines” Archaeological Field School in Italy.

Academic Program Information

Program Director:
Deborah Chatr Aryamontri, PhD
Phone: 973-655-3479

Program Deputy Director:
Timothy Renner, PhD
Phone: 973-655-7420

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