The MA in Law and Governance creates leaders in regulatory law in industry, government and nonprofit organizations. The international part of the curriculum creates pathways to careers in international governance, compliance, and conflict management in governmental and industrial sectors.

Law and Governance
Career Opportunities
- Corporate Leader
- Governance Officer
- Regulatory Analyst
- Compliance Officer
- Director and Manager of Compliance
- Mediator
- Arbitrator
- Intellectual Property Manager
- Human Rights Advocate
- International Worker in NGO
Contact Information
Graduate Programs
MA in Law and Governance
The Master of Arts in Law and Governance is on the cutting edge of specialty areas such as conflict management, human resource management, private sector compliance, law office management, legal information management, trademark law, ethics, and professional responsibility.
MA in Law and Governance (Combined BA Jurisprudence, Law and Society/MA)
This dual degree is an accelerated program for undergraduate students with a major in either Political Science or Jurisprudence, Law and Society and are interested in the combined BA/MA program can take four master’s-level courses within the MA in Law and Governance program during their senior year.
MA in Law and Governance (Combined BA Political Science/MA)
This dual degree is an accelerated program for students who are interested in the institutions, groups, leaders, policies and ideas that shape the American political system and the governments of foreign countries. The program culminates with simultaneous baccalaureate and master’s degrees.
MA in Law and Governance, Conflict Management and Peace Studies Concentration
The Master of Arts in Law and Governance offers a program of study for students seeking advanced preparation for careers in government, the corporate sector and private arenas.
MA in Law and Governance, Governance, Compliance, and Regulation Concentration
The graduate program in Law and Governance with a concentration in Governance, Compliance, and Regulation provides instruction through a broad range of topics which develop the student’s critical understanding of law with special emphasis on gaining an advanced level of legal knowledge in areas such as governance, compliance and human resources.
MA in Law and Governance, Intellectual Property Concentration
The programs of the Master of Arts in Law and Governance incorporate education in the liberal arts with sound preparation for law-related professions. Many career alternatives are possible for graduates in government, the corporate sector and private arenas.
MA in Law and Governance, Legal Management Concentration
Law and Governance provides graduate instruction through a broad range of topics which develop the student’s critical understanding of law. Graduate offerings are designed to enhance analytical and critical thinking skills essential to the legal field.
Conflict Management in the Workplace Certificate Program
Candidates for admission to the proposed certificate program may meet less stringent requirements than the minimum requirements for the Legal Studies programs of Montclair State University currently required by The Graduate School such as maintaining a grade point average of 3.0 or greater in their undergraduate work.